!Help Lists available commands
!Kick [@user] [reason] Kicks the mentioned user
!Ban [@user] [reason] Bans the mentioned user
!Mute [@user] Mutes the mentioned user
!Unmute [@user] Unmutes the mentioned user
!DeleteChannel [#channel] Deletes the mentioned channel
!DeleteRole [#channel] Deletes the mentioned role
!Ligma Displays a funny meme
!Purge Deletes 20 messages
!Hello Say hello, and the bot will say hello back
!Advice The bot will give you some advice
!Ping Tells you your ping
!Wasted [@user] Takes your pfp and makes it into a wasted one
!Jail [@user] Takes your pfp and jails it
!Say Make the bot say anything you like
!Roll You roll the dice!
!Uptime Tells you how long the bots been awake
!Staffapp Sends you a app to apply to be staff for HB
!Dog Sends a picture of a dog
!Cat Sends a picture of a dog
!Report [@user] Reports the person to the owner of HB
!Meme Sends a picture of a meme
!Rps [R,P,S] Rock, paper, scissors, choose r,p, or s
Ian - Lead Developer
Daniel - Co Developer
Bird - HoS